ANSC 3080 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anterior Grey Column, Thalamus, Dura Mater

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Review questions for ansc*3080 midterm (thermoregulation / nervous system) This list of questions is intended to self-test your level of understanding and knowledge. These are relatively long questions; try to answer them thoroughly. Note the questions for the mid term will not be drawn from this list. However, they will cover the same material and might be similar! Core temperautre is the temperature of the area that surrounds the vital organs. The sns can control the vasoconstriction of vessels which can either: In heat stress: sns decreases firing of vasoconstriction in order to prevent the vessles from becoming smaller- results in vasodilation which allows more blood to flow through and more heat to be brought to the surface of the skin. Components of the reflex are thermoreceptors (detect the change in temperature), this information is sent using sensory fibres which bring the information to the.