SOCI 205 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Multiculturalism In Canada, Visible Minority, De Jure

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The problem with authority and traditional is that authority can depend too much on tradition, has errors and can be misleading/misinformation. Authority can abuse their power and can give misinformation to manipulate either to control them. The problem with personal observation is that is overgeneralized (have stereotyping works), has premature closure, and is limited. The problem with scientific inquiry is that it can be conflicting. To understand the world but leads to different conclusions. Has pri(cid:448)ate trou(cid:271)les (cid:894)i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual (cid:272)o(cid:374)(cid:272)er(cid:374)s, does(cid:374)"t affe(cid:272)t so(cid:272)iety much) Has public issues, meaning that than 1 person has the same issue/problem (more like a group of people) what sociologist focus on rate of social patterns. Peter l berger (1929) argued that seeing the general in the particular, seeing the strange in the familiar, seeing individuality in social conduct. Critical assessments of common sense ideas, of opportunities and constraints affecting our lives. Navigate a diverse world with an open mind.