POLI 483 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mitigating Factor, Haile Selassie, Comity

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Sources and evidences of law: the paquete habana; the lola. What is this a case of: for the purposes of this course, the paquete habana demonstrates how the. Court turns to state practice to establish a custom, and uses writers to demonstrate the evidence of state practice. The us had seized two cuban fishing vessels during the spanish-american war and sold as prizes of war. No, they are exempt as prizes of war. It had been a long- standing practice to exempt coastal fishing vessels, could be traced back to the. Hundred years war, agreements by other states, the us itself recognized it in treaties with mexico, and writers had described the common practice: the asylum case. What is this a case of: colombia tries to argue that this is a case of regional custom. The peruvian gov"t outlawed a political party and ordered the arrest of its leader. The leader sought asylum in the colombian embassy.