POLI 283- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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Study guide: poli sci 283 lecture 8. Focus on state and then on terrorist groups (other levels can and should be considered as security actors) State respond to one another and to different situations. And conditioned by configurations of different types of power and other resources. Hegemonic actor after end of cold war. Scope for combination of unilateral and multilateral actions, some in protection of us interests and some promotion of us values (us exceptionalism) Not always successful haiti/ somalia/ yugoslavia. Bush and clinton administrations essentially liberal internationalist/ w. bush administration more neo conservative especially post 9/11. Some off-shore balancing( libya and mali) but less than anticipated. Reduced military commitments (iraq and afghanistan) facilitated by stand-off technologies especially uavs. Good aerial surveillance but this only one type of intelligence. Drone strikes not as precise as claimed so extensive collateral damage and counter productive effects. Key economic, political and regional focus for us, move away from europe and greater me.