KNES 260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carotid Sinus, Fluid Balance, Skeletal Muscle

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Knes 260 cardiovascular physiology unit study guide. Mark break-down (of the 60 physiology marks on the exam): chapter 20 cardiac 24 marks, chapter 21 vascular 16 marks (this leaves 20 marks for respiratory chapter) The valves - their purpose the function of the chordae tendinae and papillary muscle valve problems. Purpose of the autorhythmic cells and the contractile cells. Parts of the conducting pathway: the shape and phases of the the action potentials in autorhythmic and contractile cells. The ion movements that cause each phase (in each cells. The purpose of the plateau in contractile cells. The pacemaker potential depolarization (fast and slow) in autorhythmic cells. The ecg: the 3 waveforms, what they represent, what they initiate. What valves are open or closed in each phase. Definitions of stroke volume and cardiac output. Treatments: heart failure, cause and effects treatment. Blood vessel types: general characteristics of each vessel type. Factors that affect bulk flow and water movement in the capillaries.