[HTST 338] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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Newspaperarchive. com great for primary sources of british newspapers. Thesis: most democratic constitution on earth prior to the american. Revolution but on modern standards not very democratic. (heading in that direction, but not there yet) Crown, house of lords, house of commons. Crown had more power than it does now, had full legal right. Crown can also make them follow his policies, can basically dictate. Sign bills submitted after passing both the house of commons and the. Responsible for and signed all foreign treaties. Restrictions on its power monetary dependence on parliament: monetary requirements to pay civil list expense a list of his expenses, if he does things that parliament doesn"t like they will resist paying this. Civil list 700,00 william and mary (died 1694) 1689 -1802, queen anne . Thus, careful to cultivate good relations with members of both houses of parliament. Consider their wishes with respect to ministry and even policy.