ANTH 311 Study Guide - Final Guide: Niche Differentiation, Altricial, Endemism

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Emergencies/missed exams: missed exams automatically receive a score of zero, emergency or illness: you must contact the registrar for missed final exams. The registrar only accepts applications for deferred exams if you have a medical emergency, personal emergency, or religious conflict. I cannot give you permission to rewrite a missed final all missed exams need to be dealt with via the registrar. You must bring id to the final exam! Acceptable ids: campus card, driver"s license, or any alberta photo id. Exam seating and sign-in sheet: please pay attention to the seating chart posted on the doors, have your id visible on your desk for the entire exam, you can not leave the room in the first 30 min. In this time, i will circulate a sign-in sheet that you must sign as an invigilator verifies your id. If at all possible, leave an empty seat between yourself and your neighbors (and please choose seats that will maximize seating space)