NURS341 Study Guide - Final Guide: Analysis Of Variance, Rank, Appendectomy

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Important note: if the or or rr is less than 1. 0 you can subtract it from 1 to get a % (which represents less likely to experience the outcome). Weigh % is contribution of each study based on sample size which reflects precision of ci. You can get a % by subtracting the summary statistic from 1. This graph shows rr reduction of 31% for antibiotic treatment compared to appendectomy. If the diamond touches the line, then there is no effect. There is no difference on the final outcome. It shouldn"t touch the line so that our data is statistically significant. Each line here represents a study (vons 2011 is a different study from hansson 2009) Vertical line is the associated ci in the study but the weight is low so it did not take that much into account for the study.