NURS113 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Saturated Fat, Testicular Atrophy, Chronic Kidney Disease

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1. review the anatomy and physiology of the major digestive structures. Includes: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, salivary glands, pancreas, and biliary system (liver, gall bladder, and bile ducts) Mouth and salivary glands: mastication, moistening, and beginning of starch digestions (amylase) Pharynx: transport of food to esophagus and protection of airway from aspiration of food particles. Esophagus: movement of food to stomach by peristaltic waves, les prevents reflux of stomach contents. Stomach: reservoir for food, mixing, and initial digestion of proteins (pepsin), secretion of hcl, intrinsic factor, and gastrin, pyloric sphincter prevent reflux of intestinal contents. Small intestine: digestion and absorption of nearly all nutrient in the duodenum and jejunum, absorption of bile salts in terminal ileum, brush border contains numerous digestive enzymes (secretin and cck-> intestinal mucosa) Pancreas and gallbladder: pancreas delivers dig enzymes and bicarbonate to the duodenum and gallbladder delivers bile salts to duodenum.