NURS103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexual Identity, Moral Development, Puberty

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Foundation for adult roles in work, recreation, and social interaction is laid. School expands world and transition from relatively free life to structure learning and work. Children-> cope w/ rules and expectations from school and peers. Parents-> allow children to make decisions, accept responsibility, and learn from life"s experiences. Appear slimmer and changes in fat distribution and thickness. Physical examination-> influences of genetic endowment, nutrition, and weight may reveal alterations in growth that are symptoms of onset of variety of childhood disease. Girls reach puberty first and begin to surpass boys-> can be embarrassing. Independence tin bathing, dressing, and taking care of other personal needs-> hospitalization threatens this-> allow them to participate in care and maintain as much independence as possible. Dental growth w/ permanent teeth-> should visit the dentist often. Earlier posture: stoop-shouldered, slight lordosis, prominent abdomen-> erect posture. Keep getting eye exams-> 20/20 vision is achievable.