NU FS305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Acyl Carrier Protein, Pyridoxamine, Vitamin B6

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Functions as a substrate for coenzyme a (coa) and is essential for metabolism. It also functions as acyl carrier protein (acp) in fatty acid synthesis. B5 is widespread in animal and plant products so deficiency and toxicity are rare. The ai for panthothenic acid is 5 mg/day. Some significant sources include animal food such as milk (0. 7 mg/half a cup) or fish, egg and chicken (0. 7 mg), the best source listed is mushrooms, which comes in with 2. 6 mg/half cup. In a mixed diet about 50% of the b5 is bioavailable. We do have to be careful in terms of food processing because heating and freezing can destroy b5. This vitamin can be present as coa or free panthothenic acid. This means that to be digested in the protein bound version it must under go proteolysis and free panthithenic acid is formed from coa with the help if alkaline phosphatase in the small intestine.