NU FS305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Osmoreceptor

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For most healthy adults in canada the answer is no if they eat according to the food guide. Lets look at the pros and cons of supplementation: The main thing we need to remember is that more is not always better especially where the. Rda is close to the tul because the risk of toxicity is high. Since we need over 50 different nutrients for good health taking nutrition supplements does not replace eating regular meals of a healthy well balanced diet and it can be important to remember this. Also, supplements cannot provide important nutrients such as fibre, carbs, protein and essential lipids. With this being said, the mineral supplements can"t provide us with energy and restricted calorie diets lead to reduced intake of essencial nutrients. Another reason why eating whole foods is important to our health is because of the phytochemicals they provide. The phytochemicals go on to be important in the bioactivity of minerals.