MARK301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Marketing Mix, New Idea, Customer Retention

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25 Jan 2015

Document Summary

Product- anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want/need. Service- any activity, benefit or satisfaction offered for sale that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Product = key element in marketing offering (becomes basis which company builds profitable relationships) Company can have pure tangible foods, or pure services or both. Companies today focus on creating and managing customer experience. Marketers broaden concept of a product to include other market offerings (organizations, persons, places, ideas) Organization marketing: activities undertaken to create, maintain or change attitudes and behaviour of customers/general public towards an organization. Person marketing: activities undertaken to create, maintain or change attitudes and behaviour of customers/general public towards a person. (ex. Places marketing: activities undertaken to create, maintain or change attitudes and behaviour of customers/general public towards a place. (ex.