CLASS102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Laurel Wreath, Cyparissus, Funerary Art

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Daughter of zeus and metis (wisdom: born fully formed from zeus" head. Battle strategy, diplomacy, heroism, women"s crafts (weaving/sewing) The temple of the virgin goddess : athena parthenos, athena the maiden. 447-438 bce, athena (acropolis: triumph of the greeks over the persians (previous invasion in 480 bce) Weaving contest, arachne"s hubris: athena"s tapestry; patronage of athens scene, arachne"s tapestry; illegitimate love affairs of the gods, athena turns arachne into a spider. Attributes: winged sandals, caduceus (herald"s staff), petasus (traveling hat) Trade/merchants, thieves, travelers/messengers, athletes, flocks and herds. One of hermes"s first acts after being born. Invention of the lyre as a gift for apollo. Hermes as the god of herds and flocks. Cairns of stone (hermes = the pile of stones ) Son zeus and leto, twin brother of artemis. Archery, poetry/music, plague/medicine, oracles and prophecies, the sun. Delphi: most famous oracle in greece (panhellenic, pythia: priestess of apollo (python) Cumae: italy, greek colonialization, sibyl: priestess at cumae.