ACCTG418 Study Guide - Final Guide: Inulin

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Extra notes on renal clearance for physiology 210. Plasma clearance of any substance refers to the volume of plasma from which a substance is removed. It refers not to the amount of the substance removed, but to the volume of plasma from which that amount of substance was removed. C = ([u] x v)/[p: why is inulin used for measuring clearance, deduce formula using inulin. Now clearance of inulin is equal to gfr. This is why clinicians use inulin to measure gfr. It has to be injected intravenously: if one uses 0 for urinary concentration of glucose. Since glucose is completely reabsorbed, no plasma volume is cleared for glucose: if clearance value is more than normal gfr that means secretion has taken place. Clearance of urea is more than zero but less than that of inulin.