PSYC 2840 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Joseph Henrich, Polyfidelity, Group Marriage

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7 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Mating systems are the produced via the interaction of male and female mating psychology. A marriage system is a collection of marriage (cultural) norms in which the community plays a role in defining, sanctioning, and enforcing. Polyandry: 1: in the himalayans, one man cannot support one woman in these types of conditions, usually two brother marry one lady. Taking additional wives is always associated with having additional resources or signals of resource earning potential. Two 12 year olds sent to the us for marriage and sex to older adults. Joseph henrich: asked to submit an affidavit. Consequently, females generally marry before age 18: marriage decreases a males tendency to commit criminal activity. Paternal behaviour: increased inequality between the sexes. Men seek more control over women as women become scarce. Literacy among women decreases: decreased investment by males in offspring because they have more offspring and because they invest energy in seeking additional wives.