SOCI 2301H Study Guide - Final Guide: Arlie Russell Hochschild, Emotion Work, Emotional Labor

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Post modernists claim the self is under siege in modern industrialized counties. Please explain some reasons for this while providing some examples where possible. Identifies are also commercialized: businesses creating and selling new identities to us, clothing, acting, language, describe the key contributions of arlie hochschild towards the sociology of emotions. Please provide a real-life account that accurately covers the aspects of your response. Surface acting we try to act the part of what is expected of us in a situation although people may not be feeling it. Deep acting is the efforts we engage to suppress evoke certain feelings strive to call forth a set of inner feelings that match the expressions we are conveying to others occurs in everyday situations. Emotion work and emotion labour: emotion work- an individual engages out of desire to adhere to generally agreed upon societal norms . Emotion work is constructed as voluntary and in control of actor.