PSYC 1030H Study Guide - Oedipus Complex, Personal Unconscious, Narcissism

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Emotionally charged images & thoughts forms with universal meaning. Theory that scientific psychology should study only observable behaviour. Storehouse of hidden memory hints inherited from people"s family past. Group goals before personal goals and defining identity by groups one belong to. Efforts to overcome imagined/real inferiorities by developing one"s abilities. Has what one"s aware of at given time. Unconscious reactions that protect one from negative emotions. Diverting emotional feelings (anger) from original source to substitute target. Decision-making part of personality working with reality principle. Interested in external world of people and things. Correlations among many variables to identify related groups of variables. Unable to advance from one stage to another. Arrangement of needs based on priority, with basic needs being met before personal needs. Theory that focuses on unique traits of humans, like freedom and room for personal growth. Primitive, instinctive part of personality that works with pleasure principle. Bolstering self-esteem by forming imaginary/real team with person or group.