PSYC 1030H Study Guide - Final Guide: Big Five Personality Traits, Raymond Cattell, Preconscious

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Psychology Lecture Hints
Sigmund Freud
Neuroses: health problems that did not appear to have an organic cause
System might be paralysis of parts of the body
Loss of speech
Psychoanalysis Emerges
“Cathartic method” consisted of the patient talking themselves out of their systems
To defend, the individual may repress the memory of this event
Study of Dreams
Refers to what is in one’s thoughts at any given moment
Refers to memories or thought that are not currently conscious
But can easily be brought into conscious
This part of the mind is not responsive to our deliberate efforts of recall
They are kept out of consciousness by the mechanism of repression
Analysis of dreams
During sleep, defenses are lowered
Unconsciousness material slips through as dreams
“Royal road to the unconscious”
Psychoanalysis Matures
Freud “structural” model of personality
This compromises the whole of the “psyche’ that is present at birth
It is instinct and the total supply of psychic energy for the individual
Sole motivation is to gain pleasure to avoid pain
Entirely unconscious
The internalized realities (or rules) of the environment
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This is the sane and rational part of the mind
It attempts to form realistic plans of action to satisfactory for all 3 systems
Some defences can lead to very abnormal behaviour
A common defence mechanism is projection
This occurs when a person else an impulse he or she unconsciously wants
Raymond Cattell
Surface Traits
The vast number of very specific traits that are inferred from a person’s external
Source Traits
The small set of basic traits that are identified by studying the relationships
among surface traits
“Big Five” Personality Model
Robert R. McCrae
Paul T. Costa
Ranges from sociable at one end to reserved at the other
Loves social attention are happier, live fast-paced lives
Ranges from good-natured at one end to uncooperative at the other
Agreeable people, well-liked, care about others
Ranges from well organized to disorganized
Follow rules and norms, work hard in school, planned life
Calm at one end to nervous at the other
Mood swings, highly emotional, more fatigued
Openness to Experience
Curious to tradition-bound
More creative, play with big ideas, remember dreams better
Social Behaviour
Role of Beliefs
Reasoning is often influenced by associated with strong emotions (or moods)
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Document Summary

Neuroses : health problems that did not appear to have an organic cause. System might be paralysis of parts of the body. Cathartic method consisted of the patient talking themselves out of their systems. To defend, the individual may repress the memory of this event. Refers to what is in one"s thoughts at any given moment. Refers to memories or thought that are not currently conscious. But can easily be brought into conscious. This part of the mind is not responsive to our deliberate efforts of recall. They are kept out of consciousness by the mechanism of repression. This compromises the whole of the psyche" that is present at birth. It is instinct and the total supply of psychic energy for the individual. Sole motivation is to gain pleasure to avoid pain. The internalized realities (or rules) of the environment. This is the sane and rational part of the mind.