PSYC 1030H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Cornea, Focus Group

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Psychology: origin from two words psyche, meaning soul and logos, meaning the study of. Studies behavior and the physiological and cognitive processes that underlie it, and it is the profession that applies the accumulated knowledge of this science to practical problems. Structuralism: based on the notion that the task of psychology is to analyze consciousness into its basic elements and investigate how these elements are related. Introspection the careful, systematic self-o(cid:271)ser(cid:448)atio(cid:374) of o(cid:374)e(cid:859)s o(cid:449)(cid:374) (cid:272)o(cid:374)s(cid:272)ious e(cid:454)perie(cid:374)(cid:272)e. Functionalism: based on the belief that psychology should investigate the function or purpose of consciousness, rather than structure. Textbook readings, chapter 2: a scientific theory must be testable. Select the research methods and design the study: collect the data, direct observation trained to watch and record the behavior as objectively as possible, may use stop watch or recorder to do so, questionnaire. Physiological recording an instrument used to record a specific process of the subject: analyze the data and draw conclusions, report findings.