PSYC 1030H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fetus, Zygote, Paul Ekman

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For descartes, science had to be mathematical. But he didn"t believe psychology could be a science. Because the mind cannot be studied by methods of science. Mental phenomena: have no spatial dimension, are too short in time to be observed, cannot be experimentally manipulated. One of his most important contributions was the measure of the speed of the nerve im- pulse . Wilhelm wundt (1832-1920: in 1857 he received an assistantship to work with helmholtz, wile working as an assistant wundt gave is first course in psychology as a natural science in. 1862: in 1873 he published the first editions of his fundamental work: principles of physiological. Psychology (where he proposed the rental tenets of experimental psychology: in providing the first genuine textbook for the new field, wundt established himself as a leader, wundt"s psychology. Psychology was the scientific study of the human mind. The goal was to undercover the universal laws of the human mind.