COIS 1010H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Floating-Point Unit, Central Processing Unit, Computer Network

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Decode the instructions are decoded (translated), so control unit, apu, fpu can understand them. Store the original data or result fro(cid:373) apu or fpu exe(cid:272)utio(cid:374) is stored i(cid:374) the cpu"s registers: describe the three main components of a computer: Cpu central processing unit, does all the calculations. Memory stores the instructions for cpu and the results. Power supply provides the needed electricity for other components: describe four components of a cpu. Alu, fpu perform arithmetic and logical calculations. Control unit in control of everything, instructs other parts what to do. Bus interface unit the place where data and instructions enter or leave: describe four different types of storage used in a computer. Hard disk drives they store the information on magnetic disks. Solid state drives they store information on flash memory. Hybrid disk drives the symbiosis of hdd and ssd, ssd is cache for increased efficiency.