[ANTH 1001H] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (29 pages long!)

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Gives a broader perspective than other fields of social sciences. Places humans within nature, we are not distinct from other species. Being humans we tend to think we"re superior, special to other species. Anthropology recognizes humans are a part of nature. Our distinctiveness isn"t as profound as we would like it to be. We are only 1 of the many millions of species. Earth is the only planet in the whole universe known to have life of any kind. We have to recognize that 90% of all species that ever lived on earth are no extinct. We must realize that there is no escape from extinction. We are genetically related to all living things. However, we have a profound kinship, are more closely related to 2 species of apes- chimpanzees, bonobo. We are nearly 99% genetically identical to the 2 types of apes. We shared common ancestors about 6 million years ago.