INFO 16029- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 116 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Those who were not here, there are some things to catch up on. Today we will do a review of what we"ve learned; ) like to start the class with a review. One project split into two parts and three tests worth 25% each. The first part is basically what we are doing today, you"ll get some practice. One thing we didn"t discuss is the different before public and private corporations. T: anyone can invest in any corporation, but the public ones are on the stock exchange. Private corporations (which are more numerous) can have one investor or it can have many. Move money from those with excess to those with a shortfall. Suitability is what we are talking about today. S2: yeah i did it a couple time. T: if you can be successful with the quizzes you"ll probably be successful in the course.