SCI 300 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Kevlar, Tonne, Isopropyl Alcohol

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Molecule molecular formula or chemical structure or. Paper: discuss two reasons why some plastics are not recycled, look around your home (or your own body) for polymers. Identify six polymers and its use: you have a metric ton of polystyrene resin (resin: pure plastic in pellet form). How can you modify some of its properties during manufacturing: list at least three advantages or disadvantages of using pet for food containers, nylons, proteins, and peptides are also classified as polyamides. In organic chemistry, an amide has a specific arrangement of bonds between c, n, and. Identify the amide groups in the repeat unit of a nylon and peptide: pet and pla are also classified as polyesters. In organic chemistry, an ester group has a specific arrangement of bonds between c and o atoms. Identify the ester groups in pet and pla.