PSYC 388 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Public Knowledge, Neurology, Associationism

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James: does(cid:374)"t like dog(cid:373)as wants variation and further discovery/fluidity. Introspection must be used to infer thoughts because they are blocked off from outside speculation. Entrepreneurialship in west side of hemisphere so psych had to do with optimizing these practices in canada and usa. Applications in business, education, law, assessment of abnormal psych. Gilbert and witmer articles discuss applications of psychological concepts. James is a functionalist how people work in the world. Structuralism: looking for elements of thinking/mind, how theyre arranged, causal relationship. Functionalism: what thinking we do and how it helps us adapt. Considered expert on wundt when he moved to america. Considered a man of a science, even if beliefs were disagreed upon. Manual he wrote was like the bible of experimental psychology. One of the og apa members that also banned women. British associationist: associationism and structuralism linked but not synonymous. Developed structuralism and functionalism: thought functionalism was important but must define structures first.