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A gland that secrets hormones into the bloodstream to act on distant targets. Exocrine system: use ducts to secret fluid outside the body (eg tear glands, salivary glands, sweat glands) History (cid:858)a s(cid:272)ie(cid:374)(cid:272)e (cid:449)ith a short histor(cid:455) a(cid:374)d a lo(cid:374)g past(cid:859) Medieval view of behavior as a balance of 4 (cid:858)hu(cid:373)ours(cid:859: phlegm= sluggish(cid:374)ess, (cid:858)phleg(cid:373)ati(cid:272)(cid:859) (cid:894)apatheti(cid:272)(cid:895, blood= te(cid:373)pera(cid:373)e(cid:374)t, (cid:858)hot-(cid:271)looded(cid:859, yellow bile = (cid:272)holer = (cid:374)er(cid:448)ous(cid:374)ess, (cid:858)(cid:272)holeri(cid:272)(cid:859) (cid:894)irrita(cid:271)le(cid:895, black bile = mela(cid:374)(cid:272)holia, (cid:858)(cid:271)ilious(cid:859, aristotle. Describe the effects of castration in chickens and compared them with the effects in enuchs: berthold. Pangenesis (darwin): predated knowledge of genes and chromosomes, bits and pieces of organs released into blood, combined into miniature humans in testes and ovaries. Predisposed berthold to 2 notions: that various sites in body release specific agents into the blood, that these agents travel through the blood to particular target organs, famous capon experiment.