PSYC 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Linear Regression, Linear Prediction, Statistical Significance

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Large t at 37, r2 only 3% r2 = predictability = proportionate reduction in error = ( ) = msbetween / mswithin. Large d = small r2 r2 is a good effect size for anova because it is the percent total variation among scores that is accounted for by which group the participant is in. Sample means will vary less if they come from less variable populations. Null = true = within variance = large. F = statistically significant = between-variance is larger than within-variance. F = not statistically significant = closer to 1. Y predict = a person"s predicted score on the criterion variable a = regression constant = point where the regression line intercepts the y axis. = slope = regression coefficient = how much change in y occurs for every increment of x. P a g e | 2 x = score.