PSYC 100 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Aroma Compound, Saltatory Conduction, Retinal Ganglion Cell

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Psyc 100 - lecture 2 - themes and perspectives. Tends to focus on scientific method to try to collect scientific data. We can do things that could not be done many years ago. 4 themes about what we study in psychology. Our behavior is shaped by our environment and cultural heritage. Our experience of the world is highly subjective. The unconscious - parts of brain/mind broken into different areas, tied to area of understanding that humans were motivated by drives. Motivated us to behave in ways that humans were unaware. Childhood has great influence, thought that early childhood experiences were related to shaping behavior. We are motivated to become better than we are . Being the best they can be throughout their lives. Idea that you focus on what people do well. Response to both psychodynamic and humanist perspectives. Skinner - environment is everything in shaping behavior.