POL 141- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Politics activity related to influencing, making, or implementing collective decisions for a political community. Authority the right to exercise power that is accepted by those being governed as legitimate. Politics plays a vital role in our lives, our communities, and the world as a whole. Whether or not we are interested in politics, we are affected by political decisions. Because of disagreements about what governments should do, political activity involves mobilizing people to advance their interests and values. As well, politics involves trying to resolve conflicts in order to achieve the co-operation needed to achieve collective goals. Of particular importance in determining the actions that governments take is the distribution of political power. People often have a negative view of politics because of its association with unscrupulous efforts to gain or maintain power. Governments are often criticized for being inefficient, wasteful, and prone to corruption.