PHIL 120W Study Guide - Final Guide: Intensive Animal Farming, Speciesism, Meat Industry

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Final exam notes readings/arguments for meat-eating (simplified) Interests and goods - if you have the ability to suffer, then you have interests; and we ought to consider those interests: the equality argument. Their lives are still cut short even if they lived pleasant lives and we merely treat them as a means to an end: 2. There needs to be a 1st, 2nd, 9,999th to be a. Might as well it be you: also, singer argues that becoming an active vegetarian is the most practical and effective stop to end the exploitation of animals. Budolfson: for every 10,000 chicken eaters, an additional 250,000 chickens are bred each year. That is, if you are the 10,000th chicken eater, then 250,000 additional chickens will be bred each year. Otherwise, your choice of becoming a chicken eater makes no difference. So, you have a 1/10,000 chance of making a negative difference.