MBB 222 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Oxyanion Hole, Catalytic Triad, Scissile Bond

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Know what the following terms mean: alkoxide ion, tetrahedral intermediate, oxyanion, oxyanion hole, specificity pocket, acyl-enzyme intermediate. Alcohol"s conjugate base is an alkoxide ion (better nucleophile because has better e- density around around o) Understand the charges for carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in different functional groups and reaction intermediates, based on the number of e- in their orbitals. Understand what electron pushing means in a reaction mechanism electron pushing refers to the direction of nucleophilic attack, from the attacking electron pair on the electronegative nucleophile to the electropositive electrophile. Understand base catalysis and covalent catalysis in the context of the chymotrypsin-catalyzed reaction. Understand how the catalytic triad activates ser195 for nucleophilic attack of the carbonyl carbon of the scissile peptide bond. Know the products of peptide bond cleavage, the order of release of each product from the enzyme active site.