MBB 308 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction, Bioinformatics, Metabolome

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5. 1. 3 extending the sequence: the length of sequence that can be obtained from a single run is still limited: as the fragments get larger, it becomes harder to resolve the small differences in total length caused by a single nucleotide, and the amount of product in each fragment is reduced, making the signal weaker, one strategy for extending the length of sequence determined is referred to as walking (figure 5. 4). It can, however, be a useful strategy for finishing larger sequences when other approaches have left short gaps (see below): figure 5. 4 extending a sequence by primer walking (cid:224, figure 5. 5 shotgun cloning and sequencing. Common features for all of these methods: get dna, attach it to something, extend and amplify signal with some color scheme, detect fluorochrome by microscopy, strings are 30 300 letters long, multiple images are interpreted as 0. 4 to 1. 2 gb/run (1,200,000,000 letters/day), map or align strings to one or many genome.