IAT 167 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Local Variable, Boolean Expression, Global Variable

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Variable : storage location that hold some values. Local variable : variable declared within a method (cannot access outside method) Global variable : variables declared outside any class and method (can be assessed. Declaration : create a variable by specifying the variable type and more. Initialization : initialize a variable for the first time so it holds data (variable is anywhere in sketch) with a value) Assignment : give a value using operator =". Type casting : converting data from one type to another. Primitive variable : int (integers), float (decimal numbers), byte (integers), char. Reference variable : variables for demoting objects (object, string, array, Boolean expression : used by conditional and loops for flow control (true or false) Loop : execute code multiple times based on certain condition. Translation : moving the coordinate system and creating a new (0,0) at (x,y) Scale : scaling the drawing scale by the factor. Pushmatrix : save info about the current drawing space.