[CRIM 402] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 54 pages long Study Guide!

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**many behaviour that has a biological basis can be treated / changed. These examples show that dna does not necessarily mean destiny. Serotonin a substance the brain use to facilitate communications: genetics, alcoholism, and other factors - can cause low level of serotonin = impulsivity, violence, treatment: can be corrected by something as simple as diet. Menstruation hormones change drastically, women get mood swings, some are more affected than others. Example: a body type is inherited to a large extent, may affect behaviour ---- but not in a direct manner, A large child may realize that it is easier to end conflict with his size than by his brain. Earlier success in violence and bullying to resolve conflicts, may encourage a person to also use force in adulthood. So thus a genetic trait may be linked to delinquency and crime in later life this link is through social learning, not through genes.