CRIM 355 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pubic Hair, Forensic Pathology, Luminol

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Most human hairs have no medullae (exception mongoloid race). Id more specific if examiner has a comparison. How to determine which body part the hair came from? (e. g. how can you tell a body hair apart from a pubic hair or a hair from the scalp?) Scalp and pubic hairs are round to oval. Hair in the head may have been bleached in the past. Suspect hair is mounted on a slide and compared with known hair, that has been taken from a known source. 20 factors that can be compared by a microscope. Rcmp lab need 80-100 pulled scalp hairs and 30-50 pulled pubic hairs. Positive result hair in question is consistent w/ others coming from that donor. It could come from that person or be a coincidental match. Hair is class evidence it can be used to exclude a suspect or be similar to that from a suspect, but it is not individualizing,