CRIM 300W- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Rational choice: a micro theory dealing with the ways in which these opportunities are perceives, evaluated and acted upon by individual offenders. Crime is chosen because of the benefits it brings to the offender. Criminal behavior is a rational conduct that occurs when the benefits of committing crime are perceived by a would-be offender to be greater than both the costs of crime and the benefits of non-crime. Would be offenders contemplate and are affected by the consequences of their actions. Implication: if the costs of crime are made to be high, would be rational offenders will be restrained/deterred from committing the crime: highlights the arsenal of penalties at the disposal of the state to discourage crime. Implying that crime is not due to broken and dysfunctional families or psychological trails/any biological abnormalities that criminal offenders may have. Expected utility model: make decisions even under uncertain conditions because they most likely do not have all the necessary information at their.