BUS 381 Study Guide - Final Guide: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Featherbedding, Collective Agreement

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The technical definition of performance (behaviours) be able to identify examples, connect performance to other hr functions. Performance is behaviors and what employees do because it is within that person"s control, so they can improve it. Behaviors are observable and measurable and can be developed. Performance is not results or outcomes or what the employees produce because it may be out of the person"s control, so they can"t be trained to improve. Purpose of performance management: continuous process of identifying, measuring, developing performance, aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization. Knowledge of the organization"s mission and strategic goals. Knowledge of the job - job description [duties, tasks, responsibilities] and specification [ksas needed for the job] Difference between performance management and performance appraisal. Pm: strategic business considerations continuous process, ongoing feedback for improvement. Difference between results- and behaviour-based performance management - how to assess results-based performance (accountabilities, objectives, standards)