BUS 343- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 43 pages long!)

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Marketing: create values, build relationship, capture value => attract new, keep current. => learn through observe, research, data analysis offering : combine satisfy needs. Product,service, persons, org, ideas, infor, places,brand exp, marketing myopia. Too low expectation: satisfy buyer but not attract enough buyers, too high expectation: buyer disappoint. Exchanges relationship obtain + offer in return => create, maintain, grow with target by offering. Market: buyers share same needs, satisfied through exchange => profitable need research, product development, communication, distribution, pricing, service. Seller and buyer: search product, purchase, obtain infor. Modern marketing system: depend own + others action in system satisfy customer. Marketing management: art and science choosing target and build profitable relationship. Find, attract, keep, grow target customer = create, deliver, communicate superior value market segmentation: level, timing, nature of demand proposition: promise benefits satisfy needs. Production concept: value, affordable => improve distribution, production => marketing myopia.