BUS 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Balanced Scorecard, Marketing Myopia, Social Skills

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4 ethical norms: does it: benefit those affected by it, respect rights of individuals involved, co(cid:374)siste(cid:374)t (cid:449)ith (cid:449)hat"s regarded as fair, consistent with responsibilities to each other. Increase public confidence: help fight gvmnt regulation. Improve internal operations: help managers respond to problems (cid:1006)/(cid:1007) of ca(cid:374)ada"s largest (cid:272)orporatio(cid:374)s ha(cid:448)e (cid:272)odes of ethi(cid:272)s. Top management strongly support csr, make it factor in strategic planning: 2. Committee of top managers develop plan detailing level of support($) to be provided: 3. Specific executive given authority to act as director of firms social agenda: 4. Right to choose what they buy: 4. Right to be educated about purchases: 5. Ideal opportunity characteristics: adds value for customer, provides competitive advantage, marketable and financially viable, low exit cost. Types of financing: personal savings, love money: money from friends/family, private (angel) investors, venture capitalists: professionally managed pool of investor money.