BPK 142 Midterm: Laboratory Review Questions

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Week #1: osteology and torso model anatomy: a) describe the functions of the patella. It is a flat seasomoid bone (covers tendons and aids in motion) used for protection rather than support: a) name the bones of the pectoral girdle and the bones of the pelvic girdle. Pelvic: ischium, ilium pubis, coccyx: compare the pectoral and pelvic girdles with regard to strength, function, and versatility. Pectoral muscle: less strength, more mobile and versatile. Protects blood vessels and nerves travelling into the arm. Clavicle and humerus: describe the bony arrangements, which are involved in the elbow joint. Humeroulnar joint: hinge joint, allows for only flexion and extension movements. Superior radioulnar joint: any position of flexion and extension. Allows for pronation and supination movements: describe the differences between a male pelvis and a female pelvis. Male: taller, narrower, more compact, heart-shaped opening: compare the elbow joint and the knee joint in terms of structure and function.