BPK 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Osteomalacia, Scurvy, Broccoli

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*exam, know 2 functions, 2 sources, 1 symptom deficiency, 1 symptom toxicity for. B vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, b6, folate/folic acid, b12, c (all water soluble) Extent body can absorb vitamins: depends on diet, body condition, foods eaten @ same time, preparation, sources. Minimize vitamins loss: avoid 1) heat, 2) uv light, 3) oxidation, refrigerate, airtight containers (cut foods, wash, then cut, tea(cid:373); do(cid:374)"t over(cid:272)ook. General route of vitamins: water-soluble: si > blood stream (bound to blood proteins) > cells, fat-soluble: si > micelle (vit incorporated) > mucosa cell > chylomicrons (vit packaged) > lymph > blood. Some vitamins absorbed as provitamins: inactive forms; must be activated to be used (ex. Si > micelles > mucosa > chylomicron > blood > lymph. Coenzymes: binds to enzymes to promote activity/rate of reactions. Antioxidants: prevent free radicals from (oxidative) damaging cells. Vitamin bs: directly involved in converting energy > atp. Vitamin c: synthesizes tissues, protect against free radical/oxidative dmg, contain antioxidants.