BISC 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Osmoregulation, Resting Potential, Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

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Lab 11: animal biology: muscular & nervous systems: explain why the shape and pliability of muscles change as they contract, in terms of the structure and actions of each sarcomere within those muscles. Filaments pulled centre of myosin = shortens sarcomeres. Increased thickness/firmness: describe the structures and functions of neurons and synapses in detail. Dendrites receives messages from other cells then sent cell body. Axon terminal passes impulse to other cells. Involuntary control: describe the relative importance of atp and osmotic balance to muscle contraction. Need atp/salts shortening/provide osmotic balance for muscle tissues. Atp binding causes myosin to release actin allowing detachment 7 actin to be pulled center. Muscle contract: when given a model or figure of a neuron, point out the locations on the cell where information is received, carried, and transmitted to other cell(s). Down axon (arises from cell body) axon terminal.