ARCH 131 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus, Haplorhini

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Bio-cultural evolution how use of tools help adapt to new environment (e. g. stone tools) To solve major questions of the human condition. History of human origns research early studies of the distant past. Al-alzhar university in cairo, egypt (est 975 ad) University of al-karouine in fes, morocco (est 859 ad) Johann fuhlrott (noticed the difference) and hermann shaffhausen (found evidence) Feldhofer cave, germany (1859: the world began in 4004 bc on sunday oct. 23 9am, the original neanderthal, evolution had to have occurred. Rudolf virchow (1821-1902: study of disease, didn"t like the idea of evolution, really religious guy his beliefs binds his genius. 3 important changes in thinking: extreme age of the earth understanding how old the earth is a. Jean-baptiste pierre, chevalier de lamarck** (1744-1829: theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics ; lamarckianism. The piltdown hoax (c. 1911) a human cranium + ape"s jaw (skull) Raymond dart (1893-1988) taung child 1925, australopithecus africanus (southern ape from africa)