[CTA323] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 34 pages long Study Guide!

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Waiting for the crown to make disclosure o can be done from the police (notes, evidence, etc) Procedural law how to bring someone to the court, how the police can arrest, the how tos. Statute law legislation passed by a level of gov"t. Civil law comes from rome a system of law also mean private law. Canadian constitution o: 91 (27) - gives fed gov"t the power to enact criminal laws. Make laws about administration of justice, including the organization of. Statute (such as the criminal code) courts: made by the federal gov"t or by the elected legislatures in one of the provinces, youth criminal justice act. Common law (some defences, interpretation, application of rights) Which supremes? parliament because it"s a hierarchy of law if you can prove that this is unjust and it violates the charter, then it"s not constitutional. Standard of proof: accused must be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.