SOC 606- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Defining work + family: what is work, marx"s reserve army of labour, taylorism, fordism, dual labour market theory, patriarchy, domestic labour, organizational work, consumption work, emotional work, post-fordism. Deskilling a job: make each task, it"s own job. Strip job down- not multi-faceted as it is: pay them less than the original job salary, clerks left for factory work, women got brought into jobs, 2. Standardized the occupation: management controls the work process, all employees become replaceable. Fordism factory work prior to 1900s: not doing job on factory line, ex. Patriarchy: system of male domination, power, and privilege, gender division of labour, creates social conditions whereby men are associated with public sphere (work, women fall under private sphere. Ideology: women only work for extra money, even though they work to support themselves: not simply an ideology but a system, shapes social conditions, ideology and a structure. Domestic/household labour chores involved in doing domestic labour: ex.