[SOC 105] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (27 pages long)

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Ontology: a way of seeing the world. Epistemology: a way of knowing the world: they influence one another. 3 relationships sociologists must be able to identify: between the individual and society. The individual is influence by society, and the individual can influence society: between biography and history. A(cid:374) i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual(cid:859)s story i(cid:374)terse(cid:272)ts (cid:449)ith their peoples(cid:859) story: between yourself and the social world. E(cid:373)ployi(cid:374)g a so(cid:272)iologi(cid:272)al i(cid:373)agi(cid:374)atio(cid:374) is(cid:374)(cid:859)t a(cid:271)out (cid:374)egati(cid:374)g (cid:272)hoi(cid:272)e. Sociologists recognize the existence of free will and the way we weigh the costs and benefits. We have agency: that which makes us act. Understanding the interplay between individual agency and the social structures of our world: decisions we make are shaped by larger social forces, u(cid:374)dersta(cid:374)di(cid:374)g this te(cid:374)sio(cid:374) is so(cid:272)iology(cid:859)s goal. Theory: a statement about how and why specific facts are related. The specifics vary from discipline to discipline of science/social science. All theories seek to establish a causal relationship (cause and effect)