SOC 103 Final: 103-104+finalexamreviewW2016

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24 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Review: you are responsible for all materials covered in class, videos and assigned readings: naiman: Be sure you understand and can choose the correct answers about the following concepts and issues: I major concepts from marxist/conflict framework mode of production (four major modes of production) Feudalism: agricultural societies, settled on the land, large, inequality/class. Capitalism: industrial, settled, large, class inequality, worldwide forces of production: labour force, tools and technology, nature means of production. Two classes - the bourgeoisie (owners) and the proletariats (workers) industrialization lead to the intensification of the two class systems owners maintain power by state machinery" (prisons, police) and ideological apparatuses (media, school, religion) Must be able to apply the above major concepts to the feudal, slave and capitalist societies. Serfs/peasants: lowest class, physical labourers, worked in fields lords owned, paid almost nothing for their work/exploited. Merchants: middle class employed by buying/trading goods. Craftsmen: their skills elevated them to become good use to the higher class.