SOC 103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Endogamy, Queer Theory, Heterosexuality

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A couple may be of the opposite or same sex. A couple may be of opposite or same sex. Foster children are included: functionalists state that families accomplish certain social functions, such as providing individuals with love, and emotional and economic support. Families also maintain and stabilize society by regulating reproduction and socializing children: conflict theorists argue that inequalities inherent in the larger society exist in families. Feminists argue that families are structured to benefit men and maintain women"s subordinate role: post- structuralists challenge the way we think and talk about families. For instance, they may question the concept of the good mother. : queer theorists examine how families and family life are structured around the norm of heterosexuality. Overall marriage rates are on the decline, but common- law unions are increasing. Canada is seeing a rise in mixed- race marriages.