RMG 434 Study Guide - Final Guide: Customer Relationship Management, Supplier Relationship Management, International Society For Contemporary Music

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Pull processes are initiated by a customer order, whereas push processes are performed in anticipation of customer orders: macro processes, customer relationship management (crm): all processes at the interface between the firm and its customers. Internal supply chain management (iscm): all processes that are internal to the firm: supplier relationship management (srm): all processes at the interface between the firm and its suppliers. Implied demand uncertainty: resulting uncertainty for the supply chain given the portion of the demand the supply chain must handle based on the attributes the customer desires. Implied uncertainty spectrum : efficient vs. responsiveness supply chains: Responsiveness: respond to wide ranges of quantities demanded, meet short lead times, handle a large variety of products, build highly innovative products, meet a high service level, handle supply uncertainty. Efficiency: is the inverse to the cost of making and delivering the product to the customer.